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coral amendment 9
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Final Rule Implementing Coral Amendment 9 in Gulf of Mexico

NOAA Fisheries announces the final rule implementing Amendment 9 to the Fishery Management Plan for Coral and Coral Reef Resources in Gulf of Mexico U.S. waters (Amendment 9). The final rule will be effective November 16, 2020. The rule establishes 13 new habitat areas of particular concern with fishing regulations, designates 8 new areas without fishing… Continue Reading Final Rule Implementing Coral Amendment 9 in Gulf of Mexico

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Life History and Climate Change Impact to ESA-listed Corals

In September 2014, NOAA Fisheries published a federal register notice that listed seven coral species as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Understanding life history and the effects of climate change on these species is crucial to protect them. This storyboard explores what life history means and why it’s important, how life history and climate… Continue Reading Life History and Climate Change Impact to ESA-listed Corals

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Goliath Grouper

Goliath grouper are the largest grouper in the Gulf of Mexico; reaching 8 feet in length and weighing up to 850 lbs. This impressive species was historically depleted but has made quite a comeback. Unfortunately, interactions between goliath grouper and anglers still occur, and these interactions plus their increased abundance has led to controversy over… Continue Reading Goliath Grouper

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